“Retain your power always. This is my first post vac video and it is very important to creators. I’m back from vacation and I feel amazing! I feel so refreshed and I am ready to create! I see all the amazing things you guys continue to do here in ICC: Yes, you continue to inspire us and we are very thankful for you! Two quick things I want to say initially:
- I wanted to address something very quick though, a simple yet straight to the point message about power. Self power. The power you maintain as an individual in this world of creativity and social media. I have witnessed as you have at some point as well people surrendering their personal power and letting someone else take it from them by path of one of the following or similar ways: dislike/argument/trolling/hater/disrespect or whatever term you want to select from what boils down to giving them your power and entertaining their argumentive state of being. Never do that. Never let any person on the other end of the keyboard determine your path in this creative path. It is you and ONLY you who knows what your value and worth is, not them. Only you can determine your path in this world of creation, not them. Never let the other person on the opposite end of the keyboard determine Your actions of Your status in a group Or social media realm, if you do you give them your power.
- You gain more momentum and power by showing Respect. Respect the highest mentor to the lowest subordinate the same. Realize that you can always learn and you can always teach. When you understand that self retainment of power is the most valuable asset you maintain as a creator then you’ve reached the next level and that my friends is utopia.”